flying horse.
Ibland ifrågasätter jag Nordkoreas val på vad dom namnger sina organisationer.
Det fanns nån som hette "The Flying Horse Movement". Eller bara "The Chollima Movement"
Nice namn men vad gjorde dom egentligen *googling*
"...the Chollima Movement, which was a movement in North Korea promoting fast economic developments, similar to that of the Chinese Great Leap Forward. Like other countries, this state planning allowed for the ultimate utilization of resources both natural and man-made.
After the Korean War, the country was devastated and the Korean people had to rebuild everything, starting from ashes. In order to expedite the construction, President Kim Il Sung devised the slogan “rush as the speed of Chollima.” It is said that ten steps were needed when others took one, and one hundred needed when others took only ten.
Several statues are found of this majestic creature in Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea. The Chollima Statue symbolizes heroism, the constant, fighting spirit of the Korean people, and the innovations and advance so quickly, at the speed of Chollima."
Hmm... Coolt. Så jag lärde mig i alla fall litegrann på lektionen idag, även fast jag knappt kunde tänka pågrund av syrebrist. Våra salar är sämst på det sättet.