the sparrows are back.

Sometimes I look up to the sky when I walk to school and I see formations of fighter airplanes flying over me. I some aspect that sight is terrifying, but it calms me too. I feel like those airplanes are my protection and also they can become my death. At any time they can get attacked by another plane or they can accidentally shot a missile and hit the ricefield. 

In some way those planes decide my fate, and I feel like that’s a really good thing. I won’t have to choose between living or melting into nothingness. If I get hit by something I do and if I don’t… then I don’t and I can live another day. 

But now you think: the chance of something actually happening is extremely small..
And yes, I know that. But I still think and feel like this, both about the airplanes and also about my life.


If something good will happen, I’m all for that and if something bad happens, let it happen. It’s better to live life just accepting things that get thrown at you than fighting it. 

You can’t be afraid of something unknown~


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