Haven't written in a while, been busy and stuff. And when I've had time I haven't even used my computer.
But I've had extremely fun during this week, Saturday I went to a concert featuring Hardcore Superstar, Crashdïet and the 69 Eyes. And it was AMAZING!! I was home again, wonderful feeling. xD Only have pictures with HCSS though :'(
And yes, I like Vic xD

On the monday I went to a concert featuring Sebastian Wijk and Moto Boy with my second cousin. Also nice.

On the next day, tuesday, we went with my class to Stockholm, visited a church and watched Dr. Glas.
But now I'm back here by the computer xD
Haven't written in a while, been busy and stuff. And when I've had time I haven't even used my computer.
But I've had extremely fun during this week, Saturday I went to a concert featuring Hardcore Superstar, Crashdïet and the 69 Eyes. And it was AMAZING!! I was home again, wonderful feeling. xD Only have pictures with HCSS though :'(
And yes, I like Vic xD

On the monday I went to a concert featuring Sebastian Wijk and Moto Boy with my second cousin. Also nice.

On the next day, tuesday, we went with my class to Stockholm, visited a church and watched Dr. Glas.
But now I'm back here by the computer xD
71 Into The Fire
So I decided to watch a movie and I tried to find one. I couldn't so I decided to derp around on tumblr instead, and there I saw a poster for this movie, and I recognized it. And then I noticed it was TOPs movie and I had to see it.
It's a beautiful movie while it's terrible at the same time.
It's a true story, this has happened for real during the Korean war.
I recommend it. One movie you should watch before you die.

It's a beautiful movie while it's terrible at the same time.
It's a true story, this has happened for real during the Korean war.
I recommend it. One movie you should watch before you die.

Tony An <3
I think I watch 100 Points Out Of 100 too much... Watched ep 17 today, and Tony An was so cute. I think he'll always be one of my favorites within the K-Pop industry. And you have to love H.O.T but also Tony and Heejun by themselves xD
Top Star is one of my favorite songs right now...
No song will ever be better than Candy though...

Love Song
Ohhhh!! I've waited for this... Awesome video. ^^'
BIG BANG!!! <3<3
BIG BANG!!! <3<3
Ordering *crooning*
Ska beställa grejer från Korea ^^'
När nu Paypal har överfört pengarna >.<
Anyways, här är grejerna jag ska beställa, vill beställa TOP's andra mask, lädermasken, men den ser lite bondage ut så jag tror jag skiter i det... bara han och Junsu i 2PM som kan ha det utan att se miffo ut xD
Poster med TOP

Jay Park skal Kibum skal U-Kiss skal
Munskydd a'la TOP
När nu Paypal har överfört pengarna >.<
Anyways, här är grejerna jag ska beställa, vill beställa TOP's andra mask, lädermasken, men den ser lite bondage ut så jag tror jag skiter i det... bara han och Junsu i 2PM som kan ha det utan att se miffo ut xD

Jay Park skal Kibum skal U-Kiss skal

They're back... again!
Big Bang e tillbaka igen, lite seg är jag ju som vanligt, men iaf. Ni gillar mig iaf right? xD
Det går inte att inte älska låtarna, och jag typ dog för TOP har mörkt hår igen *dies* och Daesung får sjunga mera, han har till och med en solo låt på repackage albumet... Den ÄGER!!!
Det går inte att inte älska låtarna, och jag typ dog för TOP har mörkt hår igen *dies* och Daesung får sjunga mera, han har till och med en solo låt på repackage albumet... Den ÄGER!!!
Älskar verkligen den här låten, och det verkar många k-pop artister göra också... Big Bang, SHINee, Teen Top & Infinite...
Originalet xD Dom mimar FAIL!! Men sååå söta ^^
Originalet xD Dom mimar FAIL!! Men sååå söta ^^
Nytt typ...
Jag skrev ner alla romanizations och alla regler så jag lättare kunde hitta dom, eftersom min antecknigsbok är lite random, och alla anteckningar e totalt utspridda. Jag e snäll och delar med mig av den här, så ni alla kan lära er att läsa hangul, även fast ni kanske inte förstår xD ni kan iaf uttala efter ni lärt er det här.
HÄR FINNS FILEN!!... hoppas jag xD
Trans: Wrote down all the rules and romanizations for Hangul but it's in Swedish. Download up there ^
HÄR FINNS FILEN!!... hoppas jag xD
Trans: Wrote down all the rules and romanizations for Hangul but it's in Swedish. Download up there ^