round, round.
I think a lot, even though those thoughts are probably useless.
My mind spins around in circles all day, trying to understand people.
Reading their unsaid thoughts, that they refuse to share.
I can see in their eyes exactly what they're thinking.
I can see in their eyes exactly what they're thinking.
And even though I do this and always try to think of others, they never appreciate it.
Everyone of my own thoughts are rejected, even though they may be correct.
Everyone of my own thoughts are rejected, even though they may be correct.
But even though the thought is correct or the opinion is my own they are always wrong.
I wish I could express my thoughts without having to change my words to suit the other person.
Right now I've given up because nothing I say is worth listening to.
And if I seem cold in anyway this is probably why.
I will not try if other people don't try.....
I would rather be them.
"Every time I think I've survived all of this, something new blows in from some direction I've forgotten.
And even though I try hard, there is no molecule in me that wants to stay because the last thing they want is to be me." - Emil Jensen

While laying here in my bed waiting for my throath to heal I have been watching movie after movie, only procrastinating medecine and homework. Because medecine doesn't work more than maybe 2 hours, it's only numbing the pain. And when it leaves your system the pain is back again, making you feel miserable.
I guess, in some way movies are the same. I can escape 2 hours from my own life and sometimes even my own time. The character's life becomes mine and all their feelings too. Sometimes I wish I was in The Breakfast Club or that I was Olive's best friend in Easy A. To just escape and live there for a while.

"A painting is more than the sum of it’s parts. A cow by itself is just a cow. A meadow by itself is just grass, flowers. And the sun picking through the trees, is just a beam of light. But you put them all together and it can be magic." - Flipped by Wendelin Van Draanen